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“Container” Group Exhibition Open Call


The term "container" refers not only to a physical vessel but also carries metaphorical meanings on social, cultural, and psychological levels. As a structural framework, a container helps us deconstruct and reorganize complex social relationships. It has a dual nature: a container can both include specific groups and exclude others.

This exhibition explores how individuals form their identities within these "containers" and interact with people in other "containers," challenging and reshaping existing perceptions. By continually rearranging the artworks, the exhibition dissolves the conventional boundaries of individual pieces, turning the gallery itself into a large artistic "container."


By presenting a variety of artworks that engage with the concept of "container," this exhibition uses these diverse interpretations as starting points for reflection and critique. Visitors will be encouraged to experience and interpret the idea of the "container" from new perspectives and reflect on their identities and roles within different contexts.


Submission fee: $25


Location: A Space Gallery,13 Grattan St,#402,Brooklyn,NY 11206

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