On Broadway Street
Li Tang and A Space proudly present the group show "On Broadway Street,” showcasing eight Chinese artists living in New York City. This exhibition, a collaborative effort between Li Tang and A Space, unfolds a unique narrative that highlights the vibrancy of the artists' creative practices alongside their personal journeys in New York.
Li Tang, a New York-based community established in 2020, is dedicated to amplifying the creative voices of the Asian diaspora. In partnership with A Space, a vibrant team that provides a platform for young artists to showcase their works in contemporary mediums, "On Broadway Street" emerges as a celebration of diversity, individuality, and creativity.
Walking on Broadway Street easily brings to mind images of New York’s iconic theatre district, renowned for its dazzling lights and grand performances. However, this exhibition redefines Broadway, viewing it not only as a symbol of cultural influence but also as a common street scene weaving through the boroughs of Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and the Bronx. We are on Broadway to enjoy a great show; we are on Broadway to get another day’s groceries. The "On Broadway Street" group exhibition invites viewers into a dialogue about living in New York City, from young guns who have just graduated from art colleges to professional artists who have been living in the city for over ten years, through a series of artist panel discussions and media promotion.
Date & Time
June 23 – July 13, 2024
Opening Reception
June 23, 2024 | 3–6 PM
13 Grattan St, #402, Brooklyn, NY 11206
Webson Ji
Sunny Moxin Chen, Shiqing Chen, Sherly Fan, Cheng Gong, Alice Yutong Hua, Xingze Li, Danyang Anna Song, Jingyi Wang
About Li Tang
Li Tang is a New York-based community dedicated to amplifying the creative voices of the contemporary Asian diaspora. Established in 2020, Li Tang aims to feature the works and talents of today’s most innovative Asian practitioners working in the varied fields of art and culture.
About A Space
A Space is a vibrant team that provides a platform for young artists to showcase their works in contemporary mediums. With a desire to collaborate with talented spirits and commercial brands, A Space engages in curating exhibitions, art parties, and cultural events to celebrate diversity, individuality, and creativity in global societies. We are dedicated to creating art spaces both online and offline, offering immersive and aesthetic experiences to the general public.